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2 reviews from our community
Please note that the following reviews have not yet been verified for authenticity
"Totally surprised, extremely great. "
Totally surprised, extremely great.
"I enjoy it. A great piece. "
I enjoy it. A great piece.
3 reasons why people want to buy it
Actual feedback of people who want to buy Thomann SP-5600 Stage Bundle
- "I love it"A 18-24 y.o. male fan of Coldplay from Georgia
- "I love it"A Musicngear user
- "I like everything , because i dont have nothing "A 18-24 y.o. male fan of Alice In Chains from Serbia
People that took the "IS IT GOOD FOR ME?" test said they wanted to buy Thomann SP-5600 Stage Bundle for the above 3 reasons. Their opinion is based on their own independent research and should help in your own purchase decision.
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"I don't know what dp to buy, and this..."
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"Magnificent instrument, the only non-..."
Review of Thomann DP-25 Digital Piano Bundle Magnificent instrument, the only non-acoustic piano i've ever played that has a true piano touch and piano sound.
This is a great deal! Close your eyes and you would have no idea that a baby grand is not before you. I have been totally impressed with the sound and quality for the price. My home space is limited and I would be cramped with a true piano. The size fits perfectly. The sound selections are impressive. I am still learning what all of my options are. You won't go wrong with this purchase.