Takamine presents Dreadnought Guitars GD93CE-NAT B-Stock. If you are on the lookout for steel string guitars or guitars and basses in general, then this may be a fitting choice. Make sure to check out the reviews but first of all press the red button below to see if it fits your music taste.
Chris Roditis took the WHATISGOODFORME test and scored a 88% match with GD93CE-NAT B-Stock
88% match
Chris likes Indie Rock, Synthpop and New Wave
Is it good for me?

Join the Takamine GD93CE-NAT B-Stock Fans Community

Use the tabs below to see what music people who love this gear like, explore its tech specs and read reviews by other members. Stay tuned, more community features are coming up!

Music taste profile of people who like this gear

Our latest analysis of the music taste of people who like "GD93CE-NAT B-Stock" shows that it is mostly liked by people who listen to classic rock, country or blues and are fans of Willie Nelson, The Beatles or Pink Floyd.

User data for this research, chart data and conclusions reviewed by the MusicNGear Editorial team

Fans of Takamine GD93CE-NAT B-Stock by artist

Fans by artist
Willie Nelson81Willie Nelson: 81 fans
The Beatles81The Beatles: 81 fans
Pink Floyd72Pink Floyd: 72 fans
John Lee Hooker63John Lee Hooker: 63 fans
Eric Clapton63Eric Clapton: 63 fans
Guns N' Roses63Guns N' Roses: 63 fans
Brad Paisley63Brad Paisley: 63 fans
Queen54Queen: 54 fans
Nirvana54Nirvana: 54 fans
Black Sabbath54Black Sabbath: 54 fans

Fans of Takamine GD93CE-NAT B-Stock by genre

Fans by genre
Classic rock288Classic rock: 288 fans
Country279Country: 279 fans
Blues216Blues: 216 fans
Pop207Pop: 207 fans
Alternative rock135Alternative rock: 135 fans

Fans of Takamine GD93CE-NAT B-Stock by age

Fans by age
55 and above24355 and above: 243 fans
18 to 249018 to 24: 90 fans
45 to 548145 to 54: 81 fans
35 to 444535 to 44: 45 fans
25 to 342725 to 34: 27 fans
17 and below1817 and below: 18 fans

Fans of Takamine GD93CE-NAT B-Stock by country

Fans by country
Germany81Germany: 81 fans
United Kingdom63United Kingdom: 63 fans
United States54United States: 54 fans
Spain54Spain: 54 fans
Canada45Canada: 45 fans
Sweden27Sweden: 27 fans
Denmark27Denmark: 27 fans
Belgium27Belgium: 27 fans
Finland18Finland: 18 fans
The Netherlands18The Netherlands: 18 fans
Ireland9Ireland: 9 fans
Israel9Israel: 9 fans
Åland Islands9Åland Islands: 9 fans
Slovenia9Slovenia: 9 fans
New Zealand9New Zealand: 9 fans
Türkiye9Türkiye: 9 fans
Norway9Norway: 9 fans
Australia9Australia: 9 fans
Poland9Poland: 9 fans
France9France: 9 fans

Fans of Takamine GD93CE-NAT B-Stock by gender

Fans by gender
Male459Male: 459 fans
Female45Female: 45 fans

Fans of Takamine GD93CE-NAT B-Stock by type of use

Fans by type of use
type of useFans
non-professional use135non-professional use: 135 fans
professional use369professional use: 369 fans

Fans of Takamine GD93CE-NAT B-Stock by ownership

Fans by ownership
got it81got it: 81 fans
want it351want it: 351 fans

If you're out shopping for dreadnought guitars and you really want to see if "Takamine GD93CE-NAT B-Stock" is a fitting choice for you, then take the "Goodforme" test for a more personalized result.


How does the Goodforme test work?

We have collected data (music preferences, personality traits and demographics) by people who took the Goodforme Test for "GD93CE-NAT B-Stock" and relevant gear by Takamine, in "Dreadnought Guitars" or related categories and together with the tech specs of products in our database we feed it into our state-of-the-art recommendation engine. A sample of the data we are using to generate the results for the Goodforme Test, reports and visualizations for this gear can be found below.

For the scientific approach behind our collaborative and content-based filtering algorithms used in our hybrid recommender system please consult [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] and [6]

Latest test results

A fan of Gary Clark Jr. matches 41% with Takamine EG320C or a relevant item

A male fan of Gary Clark Jr., Bon Jovi, George Strait and Pop, Classic rock, Country, Jazz, Blues , aged 55 y.o. or older from United States took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Guitars category 1 week 4 days ago and scored 41%

A fan of Madonna matches 48% with Takamine EG361SC or a relevant item

A male fan of Madonna, Michael Jackson, Pink Floyd, Rush, Guns N' Roses, Brad Paisley, Alan Jackson, Dixie Chicks, Rascal Flatts and Pop, Classic rock, Country , aged 55 y.o. or older from Canada took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Guitars category 1 week 5 days ago and scored 48%

A fan of Johnny Cash matches 41% with Takamine GD51CE-BSB or a relevant item

A male fan of Johnny Cash, George Strait, The Carter Family, Willie Nelson, Tim McGraw, Alan Jackson, Dixie Chicks and Country , aged 55 y.o. or older from Canada took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Acoustic Guitars category 2 weeks 4 days ago and scored 41%

A fan of Pink Floyd matches 13% with Takamine GD51CE-BSB or a relevant item

A female fan of Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Slayer, Guns N' Roses and Classic rock, Alternative rock, Metal, Jazz , aged 45-54 y.o. from Poland took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Acoustic Guitars category 3 weeks 4 days ago and scored 13%

A fan of Red Hot Chili Peppers matches 44% with Takamine P7D or a relevant item

A male fan of Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, Radiohead, Coldplay and Alternative rock , aged 18-24 y.o. from Germany took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Guitars category 1 month 3 weeks ago and scored 44%

A fan of Avicii matches 21% with Takamine GD51CE-NAT or a relevant item

A male fan of Avicii and Dance , aged 45-54 y.o. from Sweden took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Acoustic Guitars category 2 months 17 hours ago and scored 21%

A fan of Radiohead matches 54% with Takamine GD15CE-NA or a relevant item

A male fan of Radiohead, Alice In Chains, Mary Lou Williams, Herbie Hancock and Alternative rock, Jazz, Blues , aged 18-24 y.o. from United States took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Guitars category 2 months 1 day ago and scored 54%

A fan of Pink Floyd matches 47% with Takamine GD93-NAT or a relevant item

A male fan of Pink Floyd, Tom Waits, The Black Keys, Eric Clapton, Muddy Waters and Classic rock, Blues , aged 55 y.o. or older from United States took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Acoustic Guitars category 2 months 1 week ago and scored 47%

A fan of The Beatles matches 54% with Takamine EG360SC or a relevant item

A male fan of The Beatles, Willie Nelson and Pop, Country, Blues , aged 55 y.o. or older from Finland took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Guitars category 2 months 1 week ago and scored 54%

A fan of Pink Floyd matches 36% with Takamine GD93CE-NAT or a relevant item

A male fan of Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Deep Purple, Guns N' Roses, Brad Paisley, Carrie Underwood, Tim McGraw, Dixie Chicks, B.B. King, John Lee Hooker and Classic rock, Country, Blues , aged 55 y.o. or older from United Kingdom took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Acoustic Guitars category 2 months 3 weeks ago and scored 36%

A fan of Eric Clapton matches 31% with Takamine G321 BG or a relevant item

A male fan of Eric Clapton and Jazz, Blues , aged 55 y.o. or older from Denmark took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Guitars category 2 months 3 weeks ago and scored 31%

A fan of Red Hot Chili Peppers matches 8% with Takamine GD51CE-NAT or a relevant item

A female fan of Red Hot Chili Peppers, Coldplay and Alternative rock , aged 18-24 y.o. from Belgium took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Acoustic Guitars category 3 months 1 week ago and scored 8%

A fan of Nirvana matches 10% with Takamine GD51CE-BSB or a relevant item

A female fan of Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, Coldplay and Alternative rock , aged 18-24 y.o. from Belgium took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Acoustic Guitars category 3 months 1 week ago and scored 10%

A fan of Aerosmith matches 26% with Takamine EG531SSC or a relevant item

A male fan of Aerosmith, Eagles, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Guns N' Roses and Classic rock, Metal , aged 18-24 y.o. from United Kingdom took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Guitars category 3 months 1 week ago and scored 26%

A fan of Brad Paisley matches 36% with Takamine GD51CE-BSB or a relevant item

A male fan of Brad Paisley, Willie Nelson and Country , aged 45-54 y.o. from Sweden took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Acoustic Guitars category 3 months 1 week ago and scored 36%

A fan of Led Zeppelin matches 44% with Takamine EG321C or a relevant item

A male fan of Led Zeppelin, Brad Paisley, Carrie Underwood, Shania Twain and Pop, Classic rock, Country , aged 55 y.o. or older from Germany took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Guitars category 3 months 3 weeks ago and scored 44%

A fan of Jack Johnson matches 32% with Takamine GD15CE-NA or a relevant item

A male fan of Jack Johnson and Classic rock , aged 55 y.o. or older from Australia took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Guitars category 3 months 3 weeks ago and scored 32%

A fan of Brad Paisley matches 47% with Takamine GD51CE-BSB or a relevant item

A male fan of Brad Paisley, B.B. King, Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson and Country, Jazz, Blues , aged 55 y.o. or older from United Kingdom took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Acoustic Guitars category 4 months 23 hours ago and scored 47%

A fan of ABBA matches 37% with Takamine GD93-NAT or a relevant item

A male fan of ABBA, The Beatles and Pop , aged 55 y.o. or older from Slovenia took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Acoustic Guitars category 4 months 1 day ago and scored 37%

A fan of Queen matches 61% with Takamine EG360SC or a relevant item

A male fan of Queen, Shania Twain, Shakira, Gloria Estefan and Classic rock, Country, Latin , aged 55 y.o. or older from United States took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Takamine in the Dreadnought Guitars category 4 months 1 week ago and scored 61%

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