Millenium presents Electronic Drumkits MD-90 Mobile Drum. If you are on the lookout for electronic drums or drums and percussion in general, then this may be a fitting choice. Make sure to check out the reviews but first of all press the red button below to see if it fits your music taste.
Chris Roditis took the WHATISGOODFORME test and scored a 88% match with MD-90 Mobile Drum
88% match
Chris likes Indie Rock, Synthpop and New Wave
Is it good for me?

Our opinion about MD-90 Mobile Drum

by Musicngear Lead Editor
Considering the price and the size of this device, it makes a great choice for kids that want to learn the basics of drumming, or adults who just want to play around. Of course it can’t compare to real drums, but that’s not what it was made for. The overall sound is decent and there is quite a large variety of drum samples to choose from. Most buyers were very pleased with the Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum, giving it an overall rating of 4.3 out of 5.
10 Reasons to Buy
  • 265 percussion/drum sounds and 45 predefined drum kit presets to choose from
  • Easy to set-up, easy to use and easy to carry around
  • A great choice for beginners who want to get started with playing the drums
  • Fun and addictive
  • It really makes it possible to play the drums without having a huge set of real drums
  • It has an integrated metronome
  • It can be connected to a laptop/PC and then you will be able to record what you play in Audio or MIDI, by using a DAW software
  • It also has a jack output that allows you to connect it to better speakers than the integrated ones
  • You can also use headphones, meaning that you can practice your drum skills in the middle of the night
  • Despite being made of plastic, the pads hold up well and will keep up after hundreds and hundreds of hits
5 Reasons to Avoid Buying
  • Some users were not pleased with the soundbank and the reverb effect
  • Some pads are too small and it takes time and practice to hit them correctly
  • The pedals are too simple and too small, making it very easy to miss a kick drum or to press two in a row by mistake
  • The pedals don’t have velocity. You can either hit a kick snare or not hit it, with no option in the middle
  • The integrated speakers don’t sound that good, but luckily you can connect it to external ones

Join the Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum Fans Community

Use the tabs below to see what music people who love this gear like, explore its tech specs and read reviews by other members. Stay tuned, more community features are coming up!

Music taste profile of people who like this gear

Our latest analysis of the music taste of people who like "MD-90 Mobile Drum" shows that it is mostly liked by people who listen to classic rock, alternative rock or pop and are fans of Queen, The Rolling Stones or Red Hot Chili Peppers.

User data for this research, chart data and conclusions reviewed by the MusicNGear Editorial team

Fans of Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum by artist

Fans by artist
Queen88Queen: 88 fans
The Rolling Stones77The Rolling Stones: 77 fans
Red Hot Chili Peppers66Red Hot Chili Peppers: 66 fans
Nirvana55Nirvana: 55 fans
Iron Maiden55Iron Maiden: 55 fans
Green Day55Green Day: 55 fans
Led Zeppelin55Led Zeppelin: 55 fans
David Bowie44David Bowie: 44 fans
Pink Floyd44Pink Floyd: 44 fans
Gorillaz44Gorillaz: 44 fans

Fans of Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum by genre

Fans by genre
Classic rock407Classic rock: 407 fans
Alternative rock308Alternative rock: 308 fans
Pop242Pop: 242 fans
Metal242Metal: 242 fans
Electronic198Electronic: 198 fans

Fans of Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum by age

Fans by age
17 and below11017 and below: 110 fans
18 to 2411018 to 24: 110 fans
45 to 5411045 to 54: 110 fans
55 and above11055 and above: 110 fans
35 to 448835 to 44: 88 fans
25 to 345525 to 34: 55 fans

Fans of Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum by country

Fans by country
Finland77Finland: 77 fans
Germany66Germany: 66 fans
Sweden55Sweden: 55 fans
Italy55Italy: 55 fans
United Kingdom55United Kingdom: 55 fans
France44France: 44 fans
Spain33Spain: 33 fans
Greece22Greece: 22 fans
Poland22Poland: 22 fans
Romania22Romania: 22 fans
Ireland22Ireland: 22 fans
Denmark22Denmark: 22 fans
Slovenia22Slovenia: 22 fans
Cyprus11Cyprus: 11 fans
Iceland11Iceland: 11 fans
Belgium11Belgium: 11 fans
Austria11Austria: 11 fans
Canada11Canada: 11 fans
Netherlands11Netherlands: 11 fans

Fans of Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum by gender

Fans by gender
Male517Male: 517 fans
Female66Female: 66 fans

Fans of Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum by type of use

Fans by type of use
type of useFans
non-professional use275non-professional use: 275 fans
professional use308professional use: 308 fans

Fans of Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum by ownership

Fans by ownership
got it44got it: 44 fans
want it506want it: 506 fans

If you're out shopping for electronic drumkits and you really want to see if "Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum" is a fitting choice for you, then take the "Goodforme" test for a more personalized result.


How does the Goodforme test work?

We have collected data (music preferences, personality traits and demographics) by people who took the Goodforme Test for "MD-90 Mobile Drum" and relevant gear by Millenium, in "Electronic Drumkits" or related categories and together with the tech specs of products in our database we feed it into our state-of-the-art recommendation engine. A sample of the data we are using to generate the results for the Goodforme Test, reports and visualizations for this gear can be found below.

For the scientific approach behind our collaborative and content-based filtering algorithms used in our hybrid recommender system please consult [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] and [6]

Latest test results

A fan of Queen matches 11% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A female fan of Queen, Green Day, U2, Coldplay and Pop, Classic rock, Alternative rock , aged 17 y.o. or younger from Sweden took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 1 month 1 week ago and scored 11%

A fan of Lady Gaga matches 29% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of Lady Gaga, The Who, Kylie Minogue, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Bon Jovi, Jimi Hendrix, Robbie Williams and Pop, Classic rock, Reggae , aged 17 y.o. or younger from Greece took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 2 months 2 days ago and scored 29%

A fan of Michael Jackson matches 27% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of Michael Jackson, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Megadeth and Pop, Metal , aged 17 y.o. or younger from Germany took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 2 months 2 weeks ago and scored 27%

A fan of Lady Gaga matches 16% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A female fan of Lady Gaga and Pop, Electronic , aged 17 y.o. or younger from Finland took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 2 months 3 weeks ago and scored 16%

A fan of Muse matches 30% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of Muse, Metallica and Classic rock, Alternative rock, Metal, Dance , aged 17 y.o. or younger from Ireland took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 2 months 3 weeks ago and scored 30%

A fan of Green Day matches 30% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of Green Day, Nine Inch Nails and Classic rock, Alternative rock , aged 35-44 y.o. from Poland took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 2 months 3 weeks ago and scored 30%

A fan of Moby matches 32% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of Moby, Gorillaz, The Chemical Brothers, The Roots and Pop, Alternative rock, Electronic, Hip hop / rap , aged 35-44 y.o. from Italy took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 4 months 17 hours ago and scored 32%

A fan of Michael Jackson matches 30% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of Michael Jackson, Aerosmith, Drake and Pop, Classic rock, Alternative rock, Hip hop / rap , aged 25-34 y.o. from Cyprus took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 7 months 4 hours ago and scored 30%

A fan of AC/DC matches 28% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of AC/DC, Guns N' Roses and Classic rock, Alternative rock, Country, Blues , aged 35-44 y.o. from Sweden took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 9 months 5 days ago and scored 28%

A fan of Judas Priest matches 40% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of Judas Priest, Enrico Caruso and Metal, Opera , aged 18-24 y.o. from Iceland took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 10 months 2 weeks ago and scored 40%

A fan of The Who matches 45% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of The Who, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ella Fitzgerald, Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, Björk and Classic rock, Alternative rock, Jazz, Blues, Electronic , aged 18-24 y.o. from Slovenia took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 11 months 3 weeks ago and scored 45%

A fan of The Beatles matches 36% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of The Beatles, Slayer, Pantera and Pop, Alternative rock, Metal, Electronic , aged 45-54 y.o. from Finland took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 11 months 3 weeks ago and scored 36%

A fan of Led Zeppelin matches 25% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of Led Zeppelin and Classic rock , aged 55 y.o. or older from Finland took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 12 months 9 hours ago and scored 25%

A fan of Madonna matches 43% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of Madonna, Pink Floyd, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Mötley Crüe, Johnny Cash, Charles Mingus, Muddy Waters,, Air, Nas, Manu Chao, Cecilia Bartoli, Sublime and Pop, Classic rock, Alternative rock, Metal, Country, Jazz, Blues, Dance, Electronic, Hip hop / rap, Latin, Opera, Reggae , aged 25-34 y.o. from Finland took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 12 months 4 days ago and scored 43%

A fan of The Rolling Stones matches 28% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of The Rolling Stones, Eagles and Pop, Classic rock , aged 55 y.o. or older from France took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 1 year 1 month ago and scored 28%

A fan of Queen matches 13% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A female fan of Queen, Alice In Chains, John Coltrane, Nat King Cole, Peter Tosh and Classic rock, Alternative rock, Jazz, Reggae , aged 35-44 y.o. from Romania took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 1 year 2 months ago and scored 13%

A fan of Iron Maiden matches 32% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of Iron Maiden, Avicii, The Chemical Brothers, Jay-Z, Outkast and Pop, Alternative rock, Metal, Dance, Electronic, Hip hop / rap , aged 17 y.o. or younger from Finland took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 1 year 2 months ago and scored 32%

A fan of Metallica matches 32% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of Metallica and Classic rock, Alternative rock, Metal, Electronic , aged 17 y.o. or younger from United Kingdom took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 1 year 2 months ago and scored 32%

A fan of Keith Jarrett matches 39% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of Keith Jarrett and Classic rock, Jazz , aged 18-24 y.o. from United Kingdom took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 1 year 3 months ago and scored 39%

A fan of Queen matches 34% with Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum or a relevant item

A male fan of Queen, The Rolling Stones, Mötley Crüe, Slipknot and Pop, Classic rock, Metal, Blues , aged 55 y.o. or older from Germany took the "Goodforme" test for Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum 1 year 3 months ago and scored 34%

What do people like about MD-90 Mobile Drum?

We asked people who took the Goodforme test what their opinion about Millenium MD-90 Mobile Drum is
and this is what they had to say
  • "It fits into the space I have in my house."
  • "..."
  • "Compactness"
  • "Price range - looking for decent drum/perc sounds for recording"
  • "price"
  • "Cheap, for practice"
  • "It doesn't take much space and it is pretty cheap"
  • "Cheap and I have never played drums - also DAW"
  • "price"
  • "it don't take a lot of space in my room"
  • "It's small and do not seem to make so much sound."
  • "price"

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