Mackie presents Active Nearfield Monitors HR624 Mk2. If you are on the lookout for studio monitors or studio and recording equipment in general, then this may be a fitting choice. Make sure to check out the reviews but first of all press the red button below to see if it fits your music taste.
Chris Roditis took the WHATISGOODFORME test and scored a 88% match with HR624 Mk2
88% match
Chris likes Indie Rock, Synthpop and New Wave
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1 verified review from our community

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1 reasons why people want to buy it

Actual feedback of people who want to buy Mackie HR624 Mk2
  • "Flat response, sealed cab"
    A 18-24 y.o. male fan of Jimmy Page from United States

People that took the "IS IT GOOD FOR ME?" test said they wanted to buy Mackie HR624 Mk2 for the above reason. Their opinion is based on their own independent research and should help in your own purchase decision.
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