Why 89.9%?
Your Matchscore® was calculated by comparing your music taste with the music taste of people who want to buy or already own Harley Benton TE-69TL Hot Rod NT Roasted (and have taken this test before you). They mostly are:
Your Matchscore® was calculated by comparing your music taste with the music taste of people who want to buy or already own Harley Benton TE-69TL Hot Rod NT Roasted (and have taken this test before you). They mostly are:
- guys
- aged 25 to 34
- who listen to Jimmy Page and Jimi Hendrix
- and love Classic rock and Country music
It is therefore safe to conclude that Harley Benton TE-69TL Hot Rod NT Roasted is an outstanding match for your music taste.
Your next step?
See the best price and buy it