Our opinion about HBCE 830BK 4/4 E-Cello
- Amazing and unique design
- Good accessories (soft bag, composite-bow, rosin, battery, cable and fine tuners)
- Delivers a good sound
- Good price
- Not as loud as an acoustic cello, but still loud enough. A good choice if you’re living in a flat and have neighbors. It can also be connected to an amplifier
- Good quality materials for this price range
- It has many improvements compared to the previous version
- The ankles hold the chord well and the bow is perfectly adapted
- You must change the strings, since the ones provided are not good enough and will break easily (the replacing process is much easier compared to an acoustic cello)
- You will need a jack / 3.5 adapter if you want to connect conventional headphones to this instrument, thus making the helmet provided useless
- It takes some time to adjust with its size and weight in case you are used to an acoustic cello
- The sound is very electronic, so don’t expect an acoustic sound
Join the Harley Benton HBCE 830BK 4/4 E-Cello Fans Community
Use the tabs below to see what music people who love this gear like, explore its tech specs and read reviews by other members. Stay tuned, more community features are coming up!
Our latest analysis of the music taste of people who like "HBCE 830BK 4/4 E-Cello" shows that it is mostly liked by people who listen to classic rock, alternative rock or jazz and are fans of The Who, David Bowie or Maria Callas.
Fans of Harley Benton HBCE 830BK 4/4 E-Cello by artist
artist | Fans | |
The Who | 88 | The Who: 88 fans |
David Bowie | 66 | David Bowie: 66 fans |
Maria Callas | 66 | Maria Callas: 66 fans |
Nirvana | 66 | Nirvana: 66 fans |
AC/DC | 55 | AC/DC: 55 fans |
Manu Chao | 55 | Manu Chao: 55 fans |
Pink Floyd | 55 | Pink Floyd: 55 fans |
Adele | 55 | Adele: 55 fans |
Queen | 44 | Queen: 44 fans |
Michael Jackson | 44 | Michael Jackson: 44 fans |
Fans of Harley Benton HBCE 830BK 4/4 E-Cello by genre
genre | Fans | |
Classic rock | 341 | Classic rock: 341 fans |
Alternative rock | 297 | Alternative rock: 297 fans |
Jazz | 242 | Jazz: 242 fans |
Pop | 242 | Pop: 242 fans |
Electronic | 198 | Electronic: 198 fans |
Fans of Harley Benton HBCE 830BK 4/4 E-Cello by age
age | Fans | |
18 to 24 | 198 | 18 to 24: 198 fans |
55 and above | 121 | 55 and above: 121 fans |
45 to 54 | 99 | 45 to 54: 99 fans |
25 to 34 | 88 | 25 to 34: 88 fans |
35 to 44 | 88 | 35 to 44: 88 fans |
17 and below | 11 | 17 and below: 11 fans |
Fans of Harley Benton HBCE 830BK 4/4 E-Cello by country
country | Fans | |
United Kingdom | 132 | United Kingdom: 132 fans |
United States | 77 | United States: 77 fans |
France | 66 | France: 66 fans |
Netherlands | 44 | Netherlands: 44 fans |
Belgium | 33 | Belgium: 33 fans |
Germany | 33 | Germany: 33 fans |
Spain | 33 | Spain: 33 fans |
Denmark | 22 | Denmark: 22 fans |
Sweden | 22 | Sweden: 22 fans |
Norway | 22 | Norway: 22 fans |
Hungary | 22 | Hungary: 22 fans |
Ireland | 22 | Ireland: 22 fans |
Argentina | 11 | Argentina: 11 fans |
Republic of Lithuania | 11 | Republic of Lithuania: 11 fans |
Italy | 11 | Italy: 11 fans |
Czechia | 11 | Czechia: 11 fans |
Greece | 11 | Greece: 11 fans |
Croatia | 11 | Croatia: 11 fans |
Switzerland | 11 | Switzerland: 11 fans |
Fans of Harley Benton HBCE 830BK 4/4 E-Cello by gender
gender | Fans | |
Female | 319 | Female: 319 fans |
Male | 286 | Male: 286 fans |
Fans of Harley Benton HBCE 830BK 4/4 E-Cello by type of use
type of use | Fans | |
non-professional use | 297 | non-professional use: 297 fans |
professional use | 308 | professional use: 308 fans |
Fans of Harley Benton HBCE 830BK 4/4 E-Cello by ownership
ownership | Fans | |
got it | 55 | got it: 55 fans |
want it | 495 | want it: 495 fans |
If you're out shopping for electric cellos and you really want to see if "Harley Benton HBCE 830BK 4/4 E-Cello" is a fitting choice for you, then take the "Goodforme" test for a more personalized result.
IS IT GOOD FOR ME?How does the Goodforme test work?
We have collected data (music preferences, personality traits and demographics) by people who took the Goodforme Test for "HBCE 830BK 4/4 E-Cello" and relevant gear by Harley Benton, in "Electric Cellos" or related categories and together with the tech specs of products in our database we feed it into our state-of-the-art recommendation engine. A sample of the data we are using to generate the results for the Goodforme Test, reports and visualizations for this gear can be found below.
For the scientific approach behind our collaborative and content-based filtering algorithms used in our hybrid recommender system please consult [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] and [6]
Latest test results
What do people like about HBCE 830BK 4/4 E-Cello?
We asked people who took the Goodforme test what their opinion about Harley Benton HBCE 830BK 4/4 E-Cello is
and this is what they had to say
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