A-Designs Audio presents 500 Series Components P-1 B-Stock. If you are on the lookout for effect and signal processors, then this may be a fitting choice. Make sure to check out the reviews but first of all press the red button below to see if it fits your music taste.
Chris Roditis took the WHATISGOODFORME test and scored a 88% match with P-1 B-Stock
88% match
Chris likes Indie Rock, Synthpop and New Wave
Is it good for me?

Join the A-Designs Audio P-1 B-Stock Fans Community

Use the tabs below to see what music people who love this gear like, explore its tech specs and read reviews by other members. Stay tuned, more community features are coming up!

Music taste profile of people who like this gear

Our latest analysis of the music taste of people who like "P-1 B-Stock" shows that it is mostly liked by people who listen to alternative rock, pop or electronic and are fans of Kylie Minogue, Blink-182 or The Edge.

User data for this research, chart data and conclusions reviewed by the MusicNGear Editorial team

Fans of A-Designs Audio P-1 B-Stock by artist

Fans by artist
Kylie Minogue184Kylie Minogue: 184 fans
Blink-182142Blink-182: 142 fans
The Edge117The Edge: 117 fans
U298U2: 98 fans
Björk96Björk: 96 fans
The Chemical Brothers94The Chemical Brothers: 94 fans
Radiohead92Radiohead: 92 fans
The Smashing Pumpkins75The Smashing Pumpkins: 75 fans
Michael Jackson73Michael Jackson: 73 fans
Depeche Mode71Depeche Mode: 71 fans

Fans of A-Designs Audio P-1 B-Stock by genre

Fans by genre
Alternative rock415Alternative rock: 415 fans
Pop405Pop: 405 fans
Electronic361Electronic: 361 fans
Dance167Dance: 167 fans
Classic rock120Classic rock: 120 fans

Fans of A-Designs Audio P-1 B-Stock by age

Fans by age
25 to 3435125 to 34: 351 fans
55 and above4855 and above: 48 fans
18 to 244018 to 24: 40 fans
35 to 442835 to 44: 28 fans
45 to 542645 to 54: 26 fans
17 and below617 and below: 6 fans

Fans of A-Designs Audio P-1 B-Stock by country

Fans by country
Thailand345Thailand: 345 fans
Germany20Germany: 20 fans
United Kingdom18United Kingdom: 18 fans
France16France: 16 fans
United States14United States: 14 fans
Spain12Spain: 12 fans
Netherlands12Netherlands: 12 fans
Italy10Italy: 10 fans
Finland10Finland: 10 fans
Portugal10Portugal: 10 fans
Canada8Canada: 8 fans
Austria4Austria: 4 fans
Norway4Norway: 4 fans
Turkey4Turkey: 4 fans
Denmark4Denmark: 4 fans
Russia4Russia: 4 fans
Australia2Australia: 2 fans
Ireland2Ireland: 2 fans

Fans of A-Designs Audio P-1 B-Stock by gender

Fans by gender
Male493Male: 493 fans
Female6Female: 6 fans

Fans of A-Designs Audio P-1 B-Stock by type of use

Fans by type of use
type of useFans
non-professional use397non-professional use: 397 fans
professional use102professional use: 102 fans

Fans of A-Designs Audio P-1 B-Stock by ownership

Fans by ownership
got it28got it: 28 fans
want it63want it: 63 fans

If you're out shopping for 500 series components and you really want to see if "A-Designs Audio P-1 B-Stock" is a fitting choice for you, then take the "Goodforme" test for a more personalized result.


How does the Goodforme test work?

We have collected data (music preferences, personality traits and demographics) by people who took the Goodforme Test for "P-1 B-Stock" and relevant gear by A-Designs Audio, in "500 Series Components" or related categories and together with the tech specs of products in our database we feed it into our state-of-the-art recommendation engine. A sample of the data we are using to generate the results for the Goodforme Test, reports and visualizations for this gear can be found below.

For the scientific approach behind our collaborative and content-based filtering algorithms used in our hybrid recommender system please consult [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] and [6]

Latest test results

A fan of Kylie Minogue matches 99% with A-Designs Audio P-1 B-Stock or a relevant item

A male fan of Kylie Minogue, Ellie Goulding, Nirvana, The Smashing Pumpkins, Alice In Chains and Pop, Alternative rock, Electronic , aged 25-34 y.o. from Thailand took the "Goodforme" test for A-Designs Audio P-1 B-Stock 3 years 3 months ago and scored 99%

A fan of Michael Jackson matches 99% with A-Designs Audio P-1 or a relevant item

A male fan of Michael Jackson, Radiohead and Pop, Alternative rock, Dance, Electronic , aged 25-34 y.o. from Thailand took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by A-Designs Audio in the 500 Series Components category 3 years 3 months ago and scored 99%

A fan of Michael Jackson matches 99% with A-Designs Audio P-1 or a relevant item

A male fan of Michael Jackson, Radiohead and Pop, Alternative rock, Dance, Electronic , aged 25-34 y.o. from Thailand took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item by A-Designs Audio 3 years 3 months ago and scored 99%

A fan of Madonna matches 99% with Warwick Acoustics Sonoma M1 B-Stock or a relevant item

A male fan of Madonna, Lady Gaga, Deep Purple, Alice In Chains, Mötley Crüe, Dixie Chicks, Ella Fitzgerald, Eric Clapton, Röyksopp, Kanye West, Juanes, Plácido Domingo, Bob Marley and Pop, Classic rock, Alternative rock, Metal, Country, Jazz, Blues, Dance, Electronic, Hip hop / rap, Latin, Opera, Reggae , aged 55 y.o. or older from Austria took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 3 months ago and scored 99%

A fan of Queen matches 60% with Presonus Eris E4.5 BT or a relevant item

A male fan of Queen, Depeche Mode and Pop, Classic rock, Country, Electronic , aged 55 y.o. or older from United Kingdom took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 3 months ago and scored 60%

A fan of Nirvana matches 47% with Presonus Eris E3.5 BT or a relevant item

A male fan of Nirvana, Black Sabbath, Slipknot, The Chemical Brothers and Classic rock, Alternative rock, Metal, Blues, Electronic , aged 45-54 y.o. from Germany took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 4 months ago and scored 47%

A fan of Slipknot matches 50% with AKG DMS300 Vocal Set P5 or a relevant item

A male fan of Slipknot, Dream Theater and Metal , aged 45-54 y.o. from Germany took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 4 months ago and scored 50%

A fan of Blink-182 matches 40% with MOTU M4 or a relevant item

A male fan of Blink-182, Green Day, Metallica, Black Sabbath and Pop, Alternative rock, Metal, Hip hop / rap , aged 25-34 y.o. from Canada took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 5 months ago and scored 40%

A fan of The Who matches 75% with Fender 65 Princeton Reverb LAC Tweed or a relevant item

A male fan of The Who, Deep Purple, Diana Krall, John Lee Hooker, Jimi Hendrix and Pop, Classic rock, Country, Jazz, Blues , aged 55 y.o. or older from Canada took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 5 months ago and scored 75%

A fan of Rascal Flatts matches 19% with Takamine CRN-TS1 or a relevant item

A female fan of Rascal Flatts, Enrique Iglesias, Gloria Estefan and Country, Blues, Latin , aged 35-44 y.o. from United States took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 5 months ago and scored 19%

A fan of Johnny Cash matches 61% with Kawai E 300 Piano or a relevant item

A male fan of Johnny Cash, The Carter Family and Country, Jazz, Electronic , aged 45-54 y.o. from Netherlands took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 5 months ago and scored 61%

A fan of The Beatles matches 76% with La Patrie Arena CW QIT or a relevant item

A male fan of The Beatles, Miles Davis, Santana, Gipsy Kings, Seeed, Jimmy Page and Pop, Classic rock, Jazz, Latin, Reggae , aged 18-24 y.o. from United Kingdom took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 6 months ago and scored 76%

A fan of Queen matches 99% with Duesenberg Starplayer SP Red Spar B-Stock or a relevant item

A male fan of Queen, Pink Floyd, Eric Clapton and Pop, Classic rock, Country, Jazz, Blues, Dance , aged 55 y.o. or older from France took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 6 months ago and scored 99%

A fan of Led Zeppelin matches 55% with Harley Benton Fusion-II HH FR MN FBB B-Stock or a relevant item

A male fan of Led Zeppelin, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam and Classic rock, Alternative rock, Metal, Jazz, Blues , aged 18-24 y.o. from Portugal took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 6 months ago and scored 55%

A fan of Pink Floyd matches 99% with Gibson SG Tribute NW B-Stock or a relevant item

A male fan of Pink Floyd and Classic rock, Alternative rock, Metal, Jazz, Blues , aged 35-44 y.o. from Finland took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 6 months ago and scored 99%

A fan of The Rolling Stones matches 42% with Takamine CRN-TS1 or a relevant item

A male fan of The Rolling Stones, Guns N' Roses, Manu Chao, Buena Vista Social Club and Pop, Classic rock, Country, Blues, Latin, Reggae , aged 45-54 y.o. from Italy took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 7 months ago and scored 42%

A fan of Queen matches 43% with Harley Benton Fusion-II HH FR MN FBB B-Stock or a relevant item

A male fan of Queen, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Gary Moore, John Lee Hooker, Jimmy Page and Classic rock, Blues , aged 55 y.o. or older from Germany took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 7 months ago and scored 43%

A fan of Bon Jovi matches 47% with Harley Benton ST-20 CA Standard Seri B-Stock or a relevant item

A male fan of Bon Jovi, Gary Moore and Classic rock, Blues , aged 55 y.o. or older from Germany took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 7 months ago and scored 47%

A fan of Pearl Jam matches 47% with Presonus Eris E4.5 BT or a relevant item

A male fan of Pearl Jam, Chet Faker, Buddy Guy and Classic rock, Alternative rock, Jazz, Blues, Latin, Opera, Reggae , aged 55 y.o. or older from Italy took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 7 months ago and scored 47%

A fan of Gary Clark Jr. matches 43% with Takamine CRN-TS1 or a relevant item

A male fan of Gary Clark Jr., The Carter Family, Eric Clapton, Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy and Country, Blues , aged 55 y.o. or older from United States took the "Goodforme" Test for a relevant item 3 years 7 months ago and scored 43%

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